Healing Arts NYC - Manhattan's Premier Integrative Health and Wellness Center - Dr. Alicia Armitstead
(866) 585-5999
Make a difference in your health for 2025. Start with the easier changes and work to the harder ones. Keep this list on hand to refer back to because in a few months certain things may slip but your goal is to always get back on track.
-Dr. Alicia Armitstead
Lifestyle changes can serve as a roadmap for individuals looking to improve their health and well-being in the new year. This diverse list encourages exploration of various activities, from physical fitness to mental wellness practices, promoting a well-rounded approach to self-care. By setting specific goals from this list, individuals can enhance their motivation and create attainable milestones throughout the year. Engaging in healthy practices can also lead to improved mood, increased energy levels, and a stronger immune system. Ultimately, prioritizing health in 2025 can pave the way for a more fulfilling and vibrant life.
Get Muscle Tested - If you haven't tried it yet or it's been over 2 months, your first New Year's resolution should be to get muscle tested. This is definitely the right way to start a new year. The holidays are over, and everyone wants to be healthier. Instead of guessing what to eat, why not get
muscle tested to see exactly what would be healthy for your body? Using muscle testing, we can put you on a personalized cleanse, address your health concerns, help you detox heavy metals or chemicals, and tell you exactly what to eat or not eat for better health. Make the new year about you and your health.
2. Blue Light Blockers - Blue light from our electronics stimulates our nervous system, so when we look at screens an hour before bedtime, it really confuses our brain. I highly recommend blue light screen blockers you can put on your iPad, phone, and computer at all times or glasses you can wear to help filter out the blue light. Even if you don't have any trouble sleeping, I still think it's a good idea to filter out blue light.
3. Emotional Release - Stress is a natural response to life's ups and downs, but what happens when our body doesn't shut off the stress response? The body suffers, hormones get out of balance and the immune system can dip, weight gain can occur or insomnia can set in. If you think you need help releasing stress from your body then try a technique at the office called Emotional Release. Emotional Release uses muscle testing to tell us what emotion(s) is stuck in the body. We then use magnets on the area where the emotions are stuck and a magnet on the spine to neutralize the nervous system for about 30 seconds. The magnets polarize the nervous system to reset the stress response in the body.
4. Go out in the Sun - There are great health benefits of getting a daily dose of sunlight. I highly suggest at least 10 min of sunbathing a day. 12pm-1pm is the greatest availability of sunlight during the day so if you can do it then that would be the best time.
5. Take Deep Breaths - This should be the easiest habit of all to create this year! Deep breaths can be done anywhere, at any time. Just three deep breaths can shift your mood and nervous system to be more calm when you are feeling out of sorts. Besides helping your stress level and mood, it strengthens your lungs. Yes, the lungs are an organ that you can exercise. The stronger they are, the healthier they can be, even if you don't have asthma or other breathing issues. There are tons of different breathing techniques out there, so pick one and use it on a daily basis. I personally love and use heart-centered breathing from Heart Math.
6. Cold Showers - Depending on the patient I recommend ending your shower with 10 seconds to 2 minutes of cold water, as cold as you can go. It releases norepinephrine which will boost your mood. Cold showers also increase circulation and help reduce inflammation.
7. Boost Your Lymphatic System - Your lymph runs through your body as blood does. You have lymphatic vessels everywhere. Lymph is a fluid that carries white blood cells to infections and carries toxins out. So, a healthy lymphatic system is important for a strong immune system and detoxification. We have lymphatic drainage by a trained practitioner at the office. Lymphatic drainage can also help with increasing circulation, breaking up cellulite, and any type of swelling, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and anxiety. Other things you can do to boost your lymphatic system is dry brush, gua sha, exercise and oil pull. The flow of lymph only goes one way: towards the heart. So when you use a gua sha stone the strokes should be from the center of the face outward and moving down the face and neck. When you dry brush it should be up towards the heart as well.
8. Drink Bone Broth - Bone broth is the number one food that has collagen in it, and the question is, do you test better for chicken or beef bone broth? Drinking 8 ounces, or 1 cup, every day is better than drinking a lot once or twice a week. It is best taken on an empty stomach; this way, the body can absorb more nutrients from it. After drinking it, wait 20 minutes before eating or drinking anything else. If you are doing the capsule or powder, that can be taken with food.
9. Add Micro-Movements - Exercise is always great for health, there is no doubt about that. But what I have learned from a great book called Quench by Dr. Dana Cohen is that micro-movements help, too, by keeping us hydrated. Any type of movement, including fidgeting, actually helps push water into the fascia of the body instead of staying superficial. From the fascia, the water then goes into the organs and muscles of the body so that the cells can absorb it. Micro movements can include turning the head and shoulder circles, but even little movements, such as tapping your foot, can make a difference.
10. Drink Healing Arts Apple Cider Vinegar Tea - Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Not only does it help kill all those microbes and boost your immune system, but it also helps with allergies, acne, high cholesterol, joint pain, weight loss, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, dandruff, chronic fatigue, candida, sore throat, gum infection, and acid reflux. It's also used to help dissolve kidney stones and lower high blood pressure, and it's also been shown to help with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity.
Even though vinegar is acidic, when we drink apple cider vinegar, it has an alkaline effect on our bodies. The fact that apple cider vinegar causes our pH levels to become more alkaline could play a large part in its healing abilities. It also reacts to some toxins in our bodies, converting them into less toxic substances. Our bodies need a slightly alkaline pH balance to be healthy. The typical Western diet creates an acidic pH in our bodies, and many health problems are attributed to this. Taking a tonic containing apple cider vinegar can help restore alkalinity and, therefore, assist the body in getting rid of some of the health problems listed above.
The recipe I am about to give you has been perfected over the years of my experimenting with a variety of apple cider vinegar concoctions. It has apple cider vinegar with baking soda and lime juice, which are all alkaline, helping raise the pH.
1 Tbsp. organic apple cider vinegar
1/2 organic lime squeezed
1/4 tsp. baking soda
the baking soda will fizz, so wait for it to fizz out, then add 1/2 cup warm water or more
a pinch of cayenne
a pinch of turmeric
a pinch of black pepper
Drink 20 minutes or more before breakfast every day.
The spices are added to the tea tincture because cayenne will increase circulation which is beneficial in healing and turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties. The black pepper is added to enhance the turmeric.
11. Boost Immune System - Drinking apple cider vinegar tea can boost your immune system, but so can lots of other things as well. Once a month or more, even once a week, do something to take care of your immune system. I built the Healing Arts Wellness Center based on this philosophy, and that's why I wanted one place that had all these healing services at your convenience. To keep the immune system boosted, we have the Himalayan Salt Booth and Lymphatic Therapy to help. The salt booth is great for four things: sinus and lung issues, skin issues, boosting the immune system, and detoxing from crappy NYC air. Just 10 minutes in the salt booth can boost your immune system as you inhale the salt deeply, which breaks up inflammation and kills viruses, bacteria, parasites, candida, and mold. The lymphatic drainage therapy works differently, using electric bulbs across your skin to get your lymphatic system to move. Your lymphatic system carries white blood cells to infections, in this way boosting your immune system.
12. Stay Detoxed - Besides keeping your immune system strong, it is important to detox your body. I want you to do at least one thing a month that can help you detox on a deeper level. It could be a liver flush where you take certain supplements for a week to break down what is stuck in the liver, and then one night before bed, you drink 1/4 cup of olive oil to get the toxins to move out of the liver. At the office, we have many different services that can help detox. You could do a PEMF session, using energy to move out toxins or a detox foot bath that pulls toxins out of your body through your feet using an ionic charge.
The strongest detox we have is the Ozone Sauna, where you sit in a personalized sauna pod from your neck down and heat builds as the pod is pumped with ozone. Ozone is oxygen with an extra oxygen molecule. When you combine the wet and warm skin with the ozone gas, the extra oxygen goes into the body and has great detoxing and anti-inflammatory effects. Ozone therapy is a great detoxer because it breaks up lactic acid, increases cellular respiration in muscles, speeds up the recovery of damaged tissue, and accelerates the growth of muscle for those who have tight, sore muscles. Ozone therapy improves blood circulation, improves vitamin and mineral absorption, fights inflammation, and is wonderful at killing mold, parasites, candida, viruses, and bacteria.
13. Drink Ozonated Water - Since ozone is so powerful, another way to harness its healing abilities is to drink it. I do a muscle test to see how much ozonated water someone should drink, but on average, I get 16 ounces a day. Ozonated water has a clean, fresh taste. The health benefits are a result of the ozone breaking apart, creating a single oxygen atom that the body can use. The more oxygen in the body, the better! Ozone adds oxygen to the bloodstream and eliminates impurities. Increased oxygen in the brain heightens its function and boosts the immune system, making it stronger and better able to fight infections. This type of water has been shown in a number of scientific studies to kill bacteria and viruses. That's why I also use ozonated water to wash my fruits and vegetables. Drinking cold ozone water on an empty stomach regularly can also detoxify your intestinal tract and give you energy. You will have to buy a machine that puts the extra oxygen in the water. I use the Ozo-pod.
14. Add MCT Oil to Your Diet - MCT oil is a type of coconut oil. It is known for fueling your brain for more energy and focus throughout the day. So, a few teaspoons in the morning or before a workout can fuel your brain and body for hours —better than any other food or coffee drink. Most people tolerate MCT oil very well, however, too large of a dose too quickly can cause gastrointestinal problems such as nausea or diarrhea. If you have this problem, you can easily reduce or eliminate these symptoms by starting with a very small dose of MCT oil. This would mean start with 1/2 tsp. If you can tolerate that then in 3 days go to a teaspoon until you work up to a tablespoon.
15. Anti-aging Routine - It's never too early to start an anti-aging routine. Infoceuticals is a tincture that will keep you looking young. We use cutting edge homeopathy to make a personalized tincture just for you at the Wellness Center. It has been wonderful to give women personalized hormone support in this way too. Stem cells are an amazing way to support your body at the cellular level to make healthier cells. They come in capsules and we have 16 different types. We have stem cells to support the skin, bones, thyroid, adrenals, kidneys, hormones and liver. PEMF Therapy is a mat that you lay down on that gives an electric currant to the body. The cells absorb the electric currant and can produce more energy, making you feel refreshed and energized.
16. Do Something for Yourself Every Day - Health is mind, body, and spirit, and if not addressed on a daily basis, the stresses of life can get to us and our health. When you are stressed, it's hard to take time for yourself, but it's when you need it the most. It's important to do this before you feel depleted in order to prevent burnout. When you feel burnt out, know that your immune system is low, too, so it's easier to get sick, which can further stress you out. So, the time it takes to take care of yourself is worth it to prevent getting sick. To help with the stress of life, all you need is 5 minutes of any time during the day to reset. It could be longer than 5 minutes, but at least 5 minutes every day, invest in yourself. It could be a quiet moment of deep breathing. It could be meditation, exercise, writing, foot rub, talking to a good friend, or anything that fills you up and makes you feel good.
17. Meditate - Meditation is so important, not just for mental health but also for physical health. The stress you put on your body can add up, and meditation can help on a daily basis release stress so the headaches, lack of sleep, joint aches, and emotional eating don't have to add up. My rule of thumb is 20 minutes in the morning and at night. 20 minutes in the morning to get centered before the stress of the day begins and again 20 minutes at night to let go and calm the nervous system down before bed. If you do have something that is bothering you, I like the meditation 'Feeding Your Demons.' It's more of a visualization that makes you look at what's bothering you and bring it up and out of the body. There are so many stuck emotions we suppress in our body that if you think you are stuck in a negative loop, this type of meditation can help. This 5 step meditation was developed by Buddhist Tsultrim Allione and is explained in detail in her book Feeding Your Demons. Start with an intention for the meditation.
18. A Relaxing Bedtime Routine - The body needs structure to signal that it's time to unwind and go to sleep, so for the last 30 minutes of the day, have the same relaxing routine. A good night's sleep is important. It's only when you are sleeping that the body is healing. Even if you think you sleep well, it's a good habit not to have any electronics on at least 30 minutes before bed. This includes phones, computers, tablets, and TVs. If you do this, you will feel like you are getting a deeper sleep.
So what do you do with those 30 minutes before bed? Some ideas: take a hot shower or bath, read a good book but not too exciting, use your deep breathing technique, meditate, or listen to a visualization. This is also a good time to practice gratitude. As you are lying down in bed, review the day and make a list, either in a journal or just mentally, of all the good things that happened that day for which you are grateful. In this way, no matter how intense the day was, you would go to bed only thinking of the positive things. It is also helpful to start the 30-minute bedtime routine at 1030pm at the latest and be asleep by 11 pm.
Every organ follows a circadian rhythm, which means that in a 24-hour cycle, it has a 2-hour window where it is at its peak and performing strong, and 12 hours later, it is at its weakest, most vulnerable stage. The reason for the 11 pm bedtime is that's when the liver is at its peak, dumping all the toxins from the day into the gallbladder duct, which travels to the large intestine to be excreted the next morning. It is best to be asleep during this 111 pm1am time so the liver can easily do its job and move more toxins. If you need help sleeping, try our PEMF Therapy or our Chakra Light Therapy at the office to help.
19. Use Full-Spectrum Light Bulbs - Seasonal depression is a real thing. During the fall and winter, we don't get enough sunlight exposure needed to stimulate the hypothalamus, a part of the brain linked to our body's internal clocks controlling the sleep-wake schedule, among other things. Without enough bright light stimulation from the Sun, our brain may increase its production of the sleep hormone melatonin, while decreasing the production of serotonin, the feel-good brain chemical that helps regulate mood. A full-spectrum light bulb can help seasonal depression. It's a special light bulb that looks like a regular lightbulb but emits the full visible light spectrum of natural sunlight. For more intense therapy, try a light therapy box that provides striking, bright white light, which is consistent with the color temperature of the Sun at noon. Light boxes produce very powerful light and are, therefore, intended as therapy and not a source of general light. The goal is to sit in front of a light box for up to 30 minutes per day, allowing your eyes and body to receive a simulation of sunlight that would otherwise be difficult to receive this time of the year.
20. Spend Time with Nature - Another thing to help us with our mood is to spend time in nature. I know, so simple. That's why there is no excuse to incorporate more walks in the park, going for a bike ride or a long hike. Getting outside and just going for a walk is helpful but the nature part is missing and yet I think that it can be so healing.
21. Use Less Aluminum and Plastic - Our test kits contain 45 different heavy metals and 44 different heavy chemicals. The whole point of health in our office is to help the body detox, and with the right nutrition, the body can heal. The heavy metal that muscle tests most frequently is aluminum. It's in our daily lives, and it creates big health problems if our body does not detox it. It's scientifically proven to cause Alzheimer's. The brain absorbs aluminum very well, and it's one of the main places where aluminum gets stuck in the body.
When I am helping patients detox aluminum, I tell them to do their best to avoid eating and drinking out of aluminum cans, foil, baking sheets, pots, and pans and check their deodorant for aluminum as well. Stainless steel is okay to use. In the oven, I use glass dishes or baking stones. You can also put parchment paper down on your baking sheets so the food does not touch aluminum. Check your rice cooker to see if that is aluminum. When you eat out, there is not much you can do about aluminum toxicity. The kitchen of the restaurant will probably use some aluminum, and if you have leftovers, forget it; it's going to come in either aluminum or plastic. When you get home, transfer it to a glass container.
Avoiding plastic is hard, but do the best you can, not only for your body but also for the Earth. Many are familiar with the need to buy BPA-free plastic. Bisphenol A (BPA) is an estrogen-like endocrine disruptor that leaches into food and can increase body weight, cause insulin resistance, and throw hormones off. There are now BPA-free products, yet in 2011, it was reported that almost all plastic products sampled released chemicals that acted like estrogen.
Plastic in the body acts like estrogen and is a true hormone disrupter, causing weight gain, PMS, infertility issues, and more because the body thinks it has too much estrogen. Avoid plastic water bottles by trying to buy water in glass bottles. Sometimes, it is not an option, so when you do have water from a plastic bottle, just don't drink straight from the water bottle because more plastic will leach into the water with the heat of your mouth being 98.7 degrees. Also, avoid putting plastic in the microwave. Try to use less plastic forks, knives, spoons, straws, baggies and Tupperware. Get the glass Pyrex with the rubber tops for leftovers. If you like straws, they now have stainless steel straws, which are easy to carry when you are out.
22. Take Sugar Out of Your Diet - Take white refined sugar out of your diet. Make sure it's not in any sauces or salad dressings either. Healthy alternatives to use in moderation are honey, stevia, agave, real maple syrup, monk fruit, molasses, and coconut sugar. You can get muscle tested to know what specific natural sugars work for your body.
23. Oil Pull - Oil pulling was introduced in 1992 by Dr. Karach, MD. He claimed that oil pulling could cure a variety of illnesses ranging from heart disease and digestive troubles to hormonal disorders. The oil is worked in the mouth by chewing and seething it. You seethe the oil by pushing it through the teeth for a period of 20 minutes. The best time is in the morning before eating breakfast, but it can be done before any meal on an empty stomach. I pop the oil in my mouth and then go take a shower and get ready for the day. The best oil to use is 1-1.5 spoonfuls of unrefined, high-quality, organic, non-toasted sesame seed oil. I love using Banyan Daily Swish. Once completed, spit the oil out and rinse out your mouth with warm water and sea salt and then brush your teeth. Never swallow the used oil because it is loaded with bacteria, toxins, pus, and mucous. Oil puling benefits are better oral health, strengthens teeth, heals gums, whitens teeth, strengthens immune system, improves digestion, reduces skin problems (acne, eczema, psoriasis), reduces allergies, lessens headaches and clears out sinuses.
24. Healthy Skin - Besides oil pulling and taking the right supplements for your skin, it is important to get muscle tested for the right foods to support your skin. What you eat makes a difference in your skin health. It also makes a difference if you are using the right skin products on your face. If you aren't sure about your current skincare routine, bring in the products, and we can muscle test you to see what your body says. I have been loving Beekman's Collagen Serum. Also, make sure you are staying hydrated. The skin needs water to stay healthy. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day.
25. Light therapy - If you think bad gut flora, candida, parasites or mold are holding you back from better health then you will want to do our light therapy . A computer reads your body and the frequencies you need to kill infections. It then puts those frequencies into blue light, red light and infrared light for a 10 minute treatment to help your body heal and kill the infections.
So there you have it! 25 things that will make a difference in your health to do for 2025. Start with the easier changes and work to the harder ones. Keep this list on hand to refer back to because in a few months certain things may slip but your goal is to always get back on track.
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