Psych-K Therapy NYC - Dr. Alicia Armitstead

Psych-K Therapy NYC - Dr. Alicia Armitstead. Psych-K Practitioner at the Healing Arts NYC Health and Wellness Center in Manhattan NY 10017

"During a session, we talk briefly first. Then you define what you want to change in your life: what is not working as you would like or what you want to improve there. Next, I'll help you set a goal for which you want to go and what you want to have instead. Then we do the balancing process together."

-Dr. Alicia Armitstead

Psych-K Practitioner at the Healing Arts NYC Health and Wellness Center in Manhattan NY 10017 and Connecticut

What is PSYCH-K?

PSYCH-K® is a form of energy psychology that uses energy-balancing techniques to help individuals transform their conscious and subconscious beliefs. It uses techniques such as visualizations, affirmations, and muscle testing to help reprogram the subconscious mind and create desired outcomes.

Recent scientific research shows that at least 95% of our life is automatically operated by our subconscious (unconscious) mind without us noticing it. Often the subconscious is like a minefield of limiting beliefs and old, outdated "programs" that are no longer worthy of who we are or who we are becoming. These powerful but limiting programs and beliefs affect our lives in all aspects continuously, including relationships, self-confidence, financial status, career choice, and even our health and physical condition. In our lives, the reasons for these behaviors and performances that we cannot understand are also due to these belief patterns we are not aware of.

PSYCH-K® is a unique, easy, fast, and effective method developed to reprogram these long-established, dominating, and limiting beliefs which prevent a healthy and peaceful life. In other words, it is a way that liberates by restructuring all limiting mind mechanisms into supportive automatisms to realize one's full potential.

With a proven record of success over 35 years by hundreds of thousands worldwide, PSYCH-K® is a unique blend of contemporary and ancient tools derived from neuroscience research for permanent and comfortable change. It is a very practical process that transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, willpower, and positive thinking, especially effective in the areas of behavioral/habit change, wellness, and distress reduction.

How Does Psych-K Work?

How Does Psych-K Work?

I love using PSYCH-K® because it is simple, honors you and the wisdom inside you as the main source of wisdom, and is efficient. I wanted to learn how to help people heal when everything we were doing on the physical body (diet, supplements, lifestyle changes) wasn't giving me the desired results. I felt like a piece was missing, and after reading The Biology of Belief, I understood that piece was how our subconscious beliefs interfere with our healing and our life. 

During a session, we talk briefly first. Then you define what you want to change in your life: what is not working as you would like or what you want to improve there. Next, I'll help you set a goal for which you want to go and what you want to have instead. Then we do the balancing process together.

How Many Sessions?

Sometimes one session is enough for you to achieve your wishes. Occasionally, we need to work on the possible issues around it and to meet more often. We are all individuals, spiritual beings in a physical body, and we learn in different ways and at different paces. It's good to remember that PSYCH-K® is a process, not a quick-fix program, although it can work quickly!

After the sessions, it's good to observe what has changed, how you react differently in similar situations, or do you need another session. Typically you will feel some transformations in some areas of your life (usually the ones we have worked with), sometimes in many areas of your life. The Action plan is often needed to achieve results faster or at all. You may be surprised by the changes.

Because we live in one universe and energy travels through space, we can use PSYCH-K® via Skype also. In that case, I will be surrogating you during the balancing. As odd as it may seem, it is as efficient as seeing face-to-face. I suggest we use this possibility in case you do not live nearby to make an office appointment. 

PSYCH-K® Balance

The PSYCH-K® Balance is a whole new way of combining the wisdom that's inside of us all, using it with your conscious goals and aligning it at the subconscious level. The result is that you can see a new perception of the old situation and act differently.

  • CORE BELIEF BALANCE - This process addresses 13 "Core Beliefs" that often keep us from tapping our full potential in life. It is a general belief change process that prepares the mind/body system for accelerated change.

  • BELIEF POINTS - Learn how to use 12 "energy points" on the body that are derived from ancient acupressure. Each point represents key beliefs that give you valuable information about how you are limiting yourself in a given situation. In addition, these points make views easy to access and easy to change, usually in a matter of seconds!

  • LIFE BONDING BALANCE - The "trauma of birth" and the "fear of death" are two powerful aspects of the human experience. This Balance utilizes breath to reprogram the negative impact of these influences in our lives. By directing the breath back and forth between two power points in the body, you will learn to transform stress associated with birth and 'death' experiences.

  • SURROGATE BALANCING - A possibility for "change at a distance." Surrogation works with a substitute person for muscle testing and balancing in the absence of the person for whom the change work is being done. Surrogation can help friends, relatives, and even your pets!

  • RELATIONSHIP BALANCE - This Balance will help you transform personal issues with others and better understand the lessons to be learned in the relationship. It will provide a clearer perspective on the value of relationships between parents, children, spouses, friends, and lovers.

  • RAPPORT - Learn how to create a deep sense of trust and safety with others in a matter of minutes, making it easier to identify issues that may otherwise be difficult to acknowledge and change.

  • ENERGY FOCUSING - A safe and effective process allows you to focus energy on a Belief Point to change subconscious beliefs quickly and easily.
Contact Dr. Alicia Armitstead of Healing Arts NYC To Schedule Your Psych-K Appointment
Contact Dr. Alicia Armitstead of Healing Arts NYC To Schedule Your Psych-K Appointment

If you understand the concept of Yoga, then you can appreciate how the mind and body can work together to overcome health challenges and improve well-being from the inside out. Psych-K is a powerful modality that can create a "big bang" in how you will live the rest of your days.

Please contact us today!

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