Healing Arts NYC - Manhattan's Premier Integrative Health and Wellness Center - Dr. Alicia Armitstead
(866) 585-5999
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone, slowing down metabolism. The thyroid gland is important for energy and weight management, hormone balance, and body temperature regulation.
The thyroid makes two hormones, T3 and T4. When the thyroid doesn't make enough of these hormones, we call it hypothyroidism, and the most common symptom is fatigue.
Other symptoms include brain fog, trouble regulating body temperature, a swollen neck, hair loss, dry skin, puffy face, constipation, or weight gain. It is more likely to occur in females than males and usually hits people in their mid-40s.
Sometimes, patients come to me with a sluggish thyroid already diagnosed as hypothyroid based on blood work, and sometimes, they have the symptoms, but on blood work, their thyroid looks normal. It is difficult to diagnose thyroid conditions via blood work because it doesn't always become sluggish right away when the thyroid is having trouble. It can act like a pendulum and go hyper, producing too many hormones, and then later in the same day crash and burn, becoming sluggish and going back and forth for years until one day it swings low and doesn't have enough support to swing back up so it stays down, becoming truly hypothyroid.
If your thyroid is in the middle of swinging high and then low, and you have some symptoms of hypothyroidism, do not get discouraged. Get muscle tested to see if your thyroid is having trouble producing hormones. If it is your thyroid, you would not be alone, for about 20 million people in the U.S. alone have some form of thyroid disease.
The thyroid is located in our neck, right above the collar bones. It secretes hormones T3 and T4 that help control our fertility, our energy, our weight, how we metabolize food, and even how we sleep. The thyroid shifts during menopause and under chronic stress. Personally, I want to have steady energy all day long and a metabolism that's on my side, and if you do, too, then it's important to take care of your thyroid.
Western medicine's answer to treating hypothyroidism is to give patients a medicine they take daily to replace the hormones their thyroid isn't making. We help people by supporting their thyroid so they can make the right amount of T3 and T4 again. It can be as easy as eating healthy and supplementing with iodine or it could be helpful to detox heavy metals or chemicals or kill candida, which all affect thyroid health.
Sometimes, the hypothyroid is due to a chronic infection that has burrowed itself into the thyroid gland. This is an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto's. Western medicine has a way to test for this on blood work, but you have to specifically ask for a thyroid antibody test, which is not part of the normal thyroid panel in blood work. If the thyroid antibody test is positive with low T3 and T4 levels, then know it is an autoimmune condition causing the hypothyroid.
Traditional medicine thinks the autoimmune condition is the immune system attacking the thyroid for no specific reason. It will give thyroid medication to boost the thyroid hormones or wait for it to get worse before giving the medication. Instead, we can help the immune system fight the infection and stop the autoimmune reaction. In fact, we do this with all autoimmune conditions, giving the immune system the right support and fighting the infection to get rid of it once and for all.
The thyroid produces T3 and T4 in response to a hormone secreted from the pituitary gland called thyroid stimulating hormone. The pituitary gland is located in the brain and it is stimulated to release this hormone by another hormone called thyroid releasing hormone that is released by the hypothalamus gland, also in the brain. The hypothalamus gland is really in charge of the hormones the thyroid makes.
Unfortunately, the pituitary gland will overproduce thyroid-stimulating hormones as a stress response, but if the stress is chronically high, cortisol levels secreted from your adrenal glands inhibit the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid relationship, leading to a decrease in thyroid-stimulating and thyroid-releasing hormones, resulting in a hypothyroidism.
Leaving hypothyroidism untreated can lead to a range of serious complications, affecting various systems in your body:
The severity of these complications varies depending on the individual, but it's crucial to understand that untreated hypothyroidism can significantly impact your overall health and well-being. Early intervention can prevent or minimize the development of these complications.
If you are chronically stressed, have hypothyroidism, or if you are concerned about your thyroid, contact us to get muscle tested today so we can determine the root cause or causes of your thyroid imbalance. It's important to find out what foods to eat or not eat for thyroid health, if iodine or selenium supplements would help, and if a specialized detox would be beneficial.
Please contact us today!
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