Healing Arts NYC - Manhattan's Premier Integrative Health and Wellness Center - Dr. Alicia Armitstead
(866) 585-5999
The CDC reports that nearly 40 percent of adults experience back pain at least occasionally. Sedentary lifestyles and higher body weights have contributed to back injury statistics, but the discomfort of lower back pain can happen to anyone regardless of fitness level or age.
Lower back pain occurs when an individual has discomfort in the lower third of the back directly above the hips and buttocks. The pain may affect only this area or spread to the hips, buttocks, and legs. The pain may come and go or be a constant source of discomfort. People may experience more pain intensity at different times of the day or when performing some tasks.
Lower back pain can cause a stabbing sensation, a burning ache, or a constant dull pain. The discomfort may extend to the lower body and cause a shooting or burning pain in one or both legs. People may also feel numbness and tingling in the legs or feet. Muscle weakness in the back and legs may also occur.
The tightness and a reduction in the flexibility of the back are also commonly experienced with a low back injury. Stiffness may be more noticeable in the morning or after periods of inactivity. The tightness and increased pain may strike or become more intense when moving from a seated position to a standing one.
Low back pain may become a chronic condition following an injury or begin with no known cause. Common causes for the pain can vary. Some people develop lower back issues from sitting at a desk for hours during the workday. Injuries can occur when lifting or twisting the upper body.
A sedentary lifestyle, an uneven gait, and shoes that do not fit properly or are correct for the activity can contribute to back pain. Dr. Alicia Armitstead, as a leading Manhattan Low Back Pain Chiropractor, also has many patients experience this issue following car accidents, falls, and pregnancy.
Chiropractic treatment is a non-invasive option that can correct lower back pain for many patients. An examination can ensure the pain is not related to a chronic health condition but instead a joint-related concern. Manual spinal manipulation can reduce pain and muscle tightness. The release of the pressure and friction caused by a misalignment helps to alleviate the radiating pain down the hips, buttocks, and legs. It can also relieve any tingling or numbness associated with the misalignment.
Chiropractic treatment usually involves one or more adjustments. People with minor misalignments may need only one or two sessions with Dr. Armitstead to get relief. More severe complications may need weekly treatments for several weeks to correct. Routine maintenance alignments can help people avoid injuries or returning discomfort.
Patients may also need
nutritional supplementation and at-home exercises to improve their back health. Dr. Armitstead may recommend different ways of performing work tasks or suggest avoiding specific activities or habits to reduce the risk of a new injury and strengthen the surrounding muscles.
Not treating lower back pain could have severe consequences. The pain may go away on its own, but because the problem still exists, it may begin again without warning. Recurring pain can worsen with each new experience and can potentially make any movement almost unbearable. Not correcting an injury could cause damage to the discs, muscles, and nerves in the area affected.
Without treatment, a problem that chiropractic services could have repaired non-invasively may become an issue that may require surgery. Sometimes severe and irreparable issues, like permanent nerve damage, can develop. Favoring a sore back can cause people to adapt their movements to prevent pain. The unusual postures will put stress on other areas of the body that can result in an additional injury.
Untreated lower back pain also causes exhaustion and misery for the person with the problem. People often forgo activities because the discomfort makes everything impossible to enjoy. It is unnecessary to sacrifice the quality of life for a treatable medical issue.
Dr. Alicia Armistead's goal is to alleviate your pain, improve mobility, and prevent reinjuries. Her treatment options, preventative care methods, and guidance all patients receive can help them correct a current injury and learn how to avoid reinjury as they stay healthier overall.
Treatments exist for lower back pain and do not require a lifetime of pain medication or invasive surgery. Contact Dr. Armitstead today to schedule a consultation to determine your back pain cause and find the most effective treatment method.
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315 Madison Ave Suite 2101 New York, NY 10017
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42 Kilman’s Point Rd. Branford, CT 06450
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