Natural Remedies for Chronic Illness - Dr. Alicia Armitstead

Natural Remedies for Chronic Illness - Dr. Alicia Armitstead. Holistic Healing with Muscle Testing and Natural Remedies at Healing Arts NYC at the Health and Wellness Center in Manhattan NY 10017 and Connecticut

"I want to find the cause of your symptoms and create a personalized healing plan with natural remedies that restore imbalances on a cellular level."

-Dr. Alicia Armitstead

Holistic Healing with Muscle Testing and Natural Remedies at the Healing Arts NYC at the Health and Wellness Center in Manhattan NY 10017 and Connecticut

Natural remedies help overcome chronic illness by addressing the underlying causes and symptoms of various health conditions. Chronic illness is a term that refers to any disease or disorder that affects the quality of life of the person. Some examples of chronic illnesses are diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

After a non invasive muscle testing,  your natural healing plan may include dietary changes, whole food supplements, herbs, physical activity, stress management, and other lifestyle factors that can support the body’s healing processes and reduce inflammation, oxidative stress, pain, and fatigue. Dr. Alicia Armitstead has experience helping patients recover and improve their overall health and wellness with the conditions listed below.



An inability to focus, remain still, and control impulsivity often results in a diagnosis of ADHD. The neurological condition usually becomes noticeable in childhood. Different forms of ADHD exist. Some children struggle to stay attentive and forget or fail to follow daily schedules.

Others with ADHD need to move incessantly and feel restless. The individual may act impulsively and make bad decisions. Some people also have a combination of both forms of the condition. Herbal remedies, natural food choices, and avoidance of artificial ingredients help many children. Food allergies may also contribute to behavior. Nutritional Response Testing and supplementation have provided health benefit people with ADHD for Dr. Alicia Armitstead.

Adrenal Gland Disorder

Adrenal Gland Disorder

The adrenal glands are above the kidneys and produce hormones that regulate blood pressure, stress response, metabolism, and the immune system. Disorders of the glands can cause the development of conditions like Cushing's disease and influence tumor growth. Ensuring the health of the adrenal glands or correcting their hormone production requires people to eat a natural and healthy diet, get adequate exercise, and learn to reduce stress. Proper nutritional supplementation can also boost gland health.

Allergy Relief

Allergy Relief

Allergies can cause respiratory symptoms like nasal congestion, watery eyes, coughing, and sneezing. The problem can aggravate asthma symptoms or cause the condition. Other allergic responses can include hives, tingling and swelling of the lips or tongue, and widespread or localized hives. The symptom severity can range from mildly uncomfortable to life-threatening.

Controlling allergies requires testing to determine the allergens that affect the individual. Removing these items from their diet or environment causes immediate improvement. Additional treatments should include diet changes and other therapies to balance the immune system to prevent the body from overreacting to allergens.



Everyone feels anxious occasionally, but anxiety disorders interrupt life. These occur when anxiety levels become so overwhelming people cannot manage their daily responsibilities. People may experience general anxiety, panic disorders, social anxiety, or panic related to phobias. The symptoms can include headaches, digestive issues, lack of concentration, sleep disorders, and more.

The person experiencing the attack will feel physical symptoms that can make them believe they are having a heart attack or experiencing another illness. Dr. Armitstead has a complete list of healing modalities to help patients overcome anxiety disorder.



There are over one hundred forms of arthritis. The condition affects people of all ages and genders. Symptoms often include pain, joint stiffness, and swelling. Most people with arthritis will have some reduction in their mobility. Some forms of arthritis may cause mild discomfort that remains unchanged for years or longer. Other types can cause severe pain and advance quickly to become debilitating diseases.

People with arthritis need to concentrate on reducing or preventing inflammation. Diet, exercise, and whole food supplements can help to lessen inflammation. Hot and cold therapy can offer the same benefit. Pain relief through natural healing modalities such as chiropractic adjustments, Applied Kinesiology, low-impact exercise, and other therapies can keep arthritis patients more comfortable and independent.



Asthma is a respiratory condition that causes breathing difficulties when the airways swell as the body comes into contact with a trigger. What triggers an asthma attack can vary between patients. Identifying the triggers by keeping journals and undergoing allergy testing will make it easier to avoid the problem and reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks.

Dr. Armitstead grew up with Asthma and overcame its symptoms with natural remedies. It changed her life and motivated her to become a healer herself. 



Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), can refer to multiple conditions that cause social challenges for the person affected. Autism can affect speech and nonverbal communication, cause behavioral issues, and reduce the ability of the individual to socialize in a way people may expect. Genetics, environment, and other factors can affect how the condition affects the individual and the severity of the case.

Natural solutions for managing autism can include hands-on education and training to guide the individual or adapt to the environment around them for their comfort. Some people may benefit from nutritional changes. Chiropractic care may help reduce nervous system interferences that can cause stress for individuals with sensory disorders.

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune Diseases

People with autoimmune diseases have overactive immune systems that misidentify healthy cells as risks to the body. The attacks on these cells cause different health conditions based on where it occurs in the body. Researchers have already identified up to one hundred diseases and expect to discover more.

Natural options for people with an autoimmune disease include allergen and infection testing to find and manage these problems. Testing for heavy metal toxicity, boosting gut health, adding supplements, and getting more exercise can also help. Stress strains the immune system, so stress reduction methods should become a daily routine. Muscle testing can assist with pinpointing areas of concern.



Candida is a type of yeast that causes fungal infections called candidiasis. Everyone has some yeast on or in their bodies and can live with the naturally occurring fungus without any health concerns. However, yeast overgrowth spreads the infection through the internal organs, bones, and blood and is a severe concern. Even mild yeast infections cause discomfort and need care.

There are many natural remedies that can help prevent or eliminate candidiasis. Dr Armitstead will find the exact right combination of natural remedies for your body.

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue causes sleep disorders, unexplained exhaustion, brain fog, dizziness, and general pain. Also referred to as Myalgic encephalomyelitis, chronic fatigue can leave people bedridden and unable to work or complete daily tasks. The condition can go into remission only to reemerge without warning or worsen suddenly after years of management.

Testing for food allergies, sleep, and changing the diet may help. In addition, chiropractic adjustments can relieve some of the pain of chronic fatigue and lower inflammation.

Diabetes Management

Diabetes Management

Patients with diabetes should already have plans in place to manage the condition. They may also want natural alternatives for companion remedies that could lessen the medication they need and boost overall health. Managing type 2 diabetes relies heavily on following a healthy diet.

The options include fiber-rich diets with supplements and herbal remedies. Staying hydrated, exercising, and using a probiotic can also offer benefits. Chiropractic alignments remove pressure on nerves for better communication in the body. The manipulation techniques can also improve circulation and alleviate pain and stiffness so people can exercise more comfortably.



Depression is a concerning national health crisis that can cause deep emotional sadness, fatigue, and loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities. As the condition worsens, it can also cause physical ailments that often arise from appetite changes and loss of sleep.

Dietary changes, nutritional supplements, and stress management can aid in reducing the severity of depression. Establishing new routines, retraining the brain to avoid negative thoughts, and setting manageable goals can also help. Everyone experiences depression differently and needs a custom plan for controlling the health issue.



People with fibromyalgia have pain and tenderness throughout the body that can worsen and fade without warning or explanation. People with the condition often experience fatigue, brain fog, moodiness, headaches, and more. People with rheumatic diseases and women have a greater risk of developing fibromyalgia.

Exercise, acupuncture, massage, and nutritional counseling can help manage fibromyalgia. Incorporating certain supplements into the diet can also lessen symptoms for many people.



Almost everyone experiences an occasional headache, but chronic headaches and those with pain so severe the individual becomes bedridden require medical assistance. Natural remedies can offer an option for patients who want to lessen their reliance on pain medication.

Headaches can easily be overlooked as a problematic symptom, but it could be one of many symptoms caused by an unknown underlying condition. Dr. Armitstead uses muscle testing to help identify the cause of your symptoms.

Heart Disease

Heart Disease

Heart disease can include a variety of heart-related health conditions. For example, heart attacks and strokes can cause life-threatening damage or lifelong physical damage. Maintaining heart health or making changes to boost the function of the cardiovascular system can reverse some damage and potentially slow the progression of heart failure. Dr. Armitstead can provide an overall diagnostic and create a healing plan of natural remedies and lifestyle changes to improve your health and wellness with natural remedies.

Heavy Metal Detox

Heavy Metal Detox

Heavy metals can exist in food, soil, drinking water, and many other places and products. The buildup of metals like lead, iron, and mercury can cause illness and become life-threatening. The metals do not flush from the body automatically, so the patient must seek help.

Dr. Armitstead has success with muscle testing patients to create a solution of natural remedies to overcome heavy metal toxicity.

Hormone Imbalances

Hormone Imbalances

A hormone imbalance can mean the individual has high or low hormone levels. Imbalances can happen from illness, stress, aging, and other reasons. An imbalance can cause many health concerns like fatigue, hair loss, menstrual cycle irregularities, and infertility.

Nutrition Response Testing can determine ways to balance hormones naturally. Often, diet modification and supplementation begin the healing process to balance the gut microbiome. In addition, healthy fats like omega-3s, getting more sleep, and maintaining a healthy weight can help. A spinal readjustment may also help resolve an imbalance by improving the function of the endocrine system.



Hyperthyroidism is a medical condition characterized by the overproduction of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland, leading to an accelerated metabolism and various physiological changes. Common symptoms include rapid heartbeat, weight loss, increased appetite, anxiety, and heat intolerance.

The most prevalent cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves' disease, an autoimmune disorder, but other factors such as toxic nodular goiter and thyroiditis can also contribute to the condition. Proper diagnosis and treatment are essential to manage symptoms and prevent potential complications associated with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism.



Hypothyroidism arises when your thyroid gland fails to produce enough crucial hormones, often leading to a series of health concerns. Symptoms are typically subtle and can include fatigue, heightened sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, weight gain, puffy face, hoarseness, muscle weakness, elevated blood cholesterol levels, aching muscles, pain and stiffness in your joints, and irregular menstrual periods.

Causes range from autoimmune diseases, such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, to iodine deficiency, to the aftermath of thyroid surgery, and even certain medications, each disrupting hormone production in its way.



The medical community considers someone to have fertility issues when they cannot conceive after unprotected sex for a year or longer. Infertility could relate to hormonal imbalances, lifestyle issues, illnesses, and age. Both partners may need testing to determine the cause of the inability to become pregnant.

Lifestyle changes depends on the infertility cause, but people should make natural, simple changes before considering more invasive and expensive alternatives. Correcting the issue can often happen through lifestyle changes like moderating alcohol and not smoking. Maintaining a healthy weight, managing stress better, and choosing a diet plan that can help moderate hormones often provide results.



Inflammation is a normal immune response to injury or infection, during which your body releases chemicals that can cause swelling, warmth, redness, and pain. It can be beneficial in terms of wound healing, however, when chronic it can be damaging to the body. It can also be associated with various illnesses and potentially increase the risk of developing other health conditions. Dr. Armitstead uses Muscles Testing to identify when the immune system is reacting to a situation causing inflammation and uses natural remedies to restore optimum health.



Insomnia is a sleeping disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep and/or waking too early. Common causes of insomnia include stress and anxiety, dietary changes, and underlying medical and mental health conditions.

Applied Kinesiology and Nutrition Response Testing will help Dr. Armitstead identify the cause of your insomnia and help you improve your health and well-being with natural remedies.

Insulin Resistance

Insulin Resistance

Impaired insulin sensitivity happens when the body builds a tolerance to insulin and needs more to function correctly. Insulin resistance can lead to diabetes, but it can also cause heart disease and increase the risk of stroke. Genetics, age, and lifestyle are the most common factors for developing the condition.

Dr. Armitstead will guide the patient through the many alternative methods that can help correct insulin resistance. The most effective have been weight loss, regular exercise, avoidance of fatty and sugar-laden foods, and using herbal remedies.

Long Covid

Long Covid

Long COVID is when the condition lasts longer than the traditional two weeks and when people no longer test positive or have a fever but continue to have symptoms. The symptoms may fluctuate in severity but are often bad enough to affect the quality of life. The risk factors that put people at risk of severe COVID are the same that make them at risk of having Long COVID.

These factors include smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. Many long-haulers struggle to get relief from traditional options and seek alternative methods. Supplements, prebiotics, and probiotics work for some people. Exercise, weight management, resting frequently, and lowering stress are also beneficial.

Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease

Ticks carrying a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi or Borrelia Mayonii can transmit it to those it bites. Lyme disease causes symptoms that can include headache, fever, and fatigue. The list of symptoms increases as it remains in the body. Infections can spread to the heart, joints, and nervous system. Dr. Armitstead will help you discover the many herbs have proven effective at killing the bacteria that cause Lyme. Some options include Black Walnut, Cat's claw, and sweet wormwood, but they must be taken correctly.



Menopause is not an illness but a natural transition in life. The changes in the body and the decline of progesterone and estrogen can cause many uncomfortable symptoms for women. Hot flashes, fatigue, irregular cycles, and many other complaints can arise.

Many women feel achy and unwell, have heart palpitations, and experience more headaches. Bladder issues, sleep disturbances, and other problems may become overwhelming. During this phase of life, the body becomes out of balance. Dr. Armitstead will help you manage the highs and lows with natural remedies.



Chronic migraines are more than headaches. The painful events can affect the quality of life for the person experiencing them and cause digestive complaints, vision disturbances, and head pain severe enough to keep them bedridden. Chiropractic manipulation can help many people. Other options include ice packs on the head or neck, rest, exercise, and other recovery options. To stop migraines or reduce their frequency and severity, consider applied kinesiology. This method can help people find issues within the body so remedies can focus on stopping the cause of the migraine and not just the symptoms.

Mold Infections

Mold Infections

Mold spores are everywhere, in the home and outdoors. Avoiding infection can become difficult for some people, particularly those with compromised immune systems. Aspergillus is the most common mold that causes illness in humans. Aspergillus infections cause respiratory complications like shortness of breath and cough. People can also have a fever, night sweats, lose weight, and develop skin ulcers.

Salt therapy can help reduce the effects of respiratory complaints. Eating healthy and nutrient-rich foods can boost the immune system to improve its ability to heal the body. Dr. Armitstead will consider supplements that help the body detox to remove the mold.

Mood Disorders

Mood Disorders

Unlike depression, mood disorders can include shifts from sadness to happiness or mania. The problems may occur only during winter when shorter days can affect mental health. Some people may experience mood swings during menopause or perimenopause, or it may become problematic monthly as a severe form of PMS.

Dr. Armitstead understands the triggers for mood changes can help determine the cause and make the remedy easier to find. Fish oil and St. John's Wort are known to help with depression. Focusing on better sleep, getting regular exercise, and undergoing nutritional counseling can offer relief. Psych-K may also be an option.



Osteoporosis causes bone density loss and lowered bone mass, making it easier to break bones and take longer to heal. Many people, especially women, experience the condition as they reach their senior years. Methods that prevent the disease include not smoking, staying active, and eating a healthy diet that includes calcium and Vitamin D.

Muscle Testing will define an efficient plan for healing. For example, if someone has osteoporosis, they can boost their health through magnesium supplements, ensuring their stomach acid does not drop too low and changing their diet. Avoid sugar and caffeine and increase the number of fruits and vegetables consumed. Moderate exercise strengthens bones and can strengthen the muscles to protect the bones more. Exercise also improves balance, and that can reduce fall risks that may result in a fracture. Dr. Armitstead will help you find the right natural remedies.


Intestinal Parasite Egg

of Ascaris Lumbricoides


Parasitic infections can begin from tainted or undercooked food, being around animals, and not washing fruits and vegetables or hands. Many other ways can cause people to become infected with parasites, and once they are on or in the body, they can affect the skin, blood, joints, and most organs.

Parasites can cause allergies, anemia, migraines, numerous diseases, and more. Dr. Armitstead can create natural remedies of herbs and supplements that can effectively remove intestinal parasites. Probiotics and a high-fiber diet can also provide detoxification.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) occurs when the ovaries produce too many male sex hormones. The hormones, called androgens, are found naturally in lower levels in females. If the level becomes too high, it can cause the development of small cysts on the ovaries. It can also happen if women do not ovulate because of too few hormones.

Irregular cycles, excess body hair, abdominal weight gain, and acne are some of the most reported symptoms. Exercise can boost the ability of the body to ovulate. The benefit increases if people maintain a healthy weight. Some people with PCOS feel better after swapping processed foods for organic fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Using anti-inflammatory supplements and controlling blood sugar can also provide relief. Dr. Armitstead will find your exact natural remedies.



Most women experience some level of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) symptoms. Shifting hormone levels can affect mood and cause food cravings, fatigue, bloating, and tender breasts. Acne outbreaks, headaches, and many other symptoms can also occur. Many women will feel uncomfortable experiencing PMS but can maintain their routines. Others have severe symptoms that make it impossible to do more than wait out misery.

Stress, overwork, a family history of PMS, and other factors can make it more likely for people to experience this health issue. Exercise can reduce the severity of PMS and make cramps more bearable. Sun exposure can also reduce discomfort as it increases Vitamin D levels. Stress reduction through massages and meditation, and staying hydrated can help. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods, and adopt a healthy diet incorporating targeted supplementation.



Prostatitis is a medical condition in which the prostate gland becomes inflamed. The prostate gland is located below the bladder in men. The Prostrate is responsible for producing some of the fluids that are a part of semen. There are many types of prostatitis, including acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, and asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis. Symptoms can vary but may include pain and discomfort in the pelvic area, difficulty urinating, and sexual dysfunction. 

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Rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition that causes visible blood vessels, red bumps, and patches of red skin. The redness of the skin remains and does not fade and return like flushed skin. People with rosacea may also feel burning and stinging sensations in their skin.

Dr. Armitstead may have you keep a journal to record all foods eaten, the products used on the skin, and more can help people determine the triggers that worsen rosacea. Muscle testing will help to avoid identified triggers, follow an anti-inflammatory diet.

Sinus Infections

Sinus Infections

Fluid buildup in the sinus cavities from allergies and colds can develop into an infection known as sinusitis. A sinus infection can cause facial pain and pressure, headaches, congestion, and tooth pain. Bad breath, fever, fatigue, and discoloration of the nasal discharge can occur.

Dr. Alicia Armitstead will start with Nutrition Response Testing so she can determine the cause of your sinus infection, which is most likely triggering an imbalance in your system. Then she provides you the natural remedies your body needs to become balanced again.

Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid Disorders

Hypothyroidism occurs when the body does not make enough thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism is when the body produces too many thyroid hormones. Both issues can cause extensive health complaints. Some symptoms of hypothyroidism include constipation, joint pain, depression, and fatigue.

Hyperthyroidism symptoms can include irritability, muscle weakness, and diarrhea. Thyroid conditions can begin due to stress, fatigue, and nutrient deficiencies. Correcting these potential causes could help rebalance thyroid production.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Many women struggle to lose weight throughout their life, and some maintain a healthy weight until they experience pregnancy or begin perimenopause. Weight loss and weight maintenance are not always about diet and exercise. Hormonal imbalances, chronic inflammation, age, genetics, and more can affect weight, body shape, and metabolism. Nutrition Response Testing can detect imbalances in the body and the cause of those imbalances. Once a diagnosis happens, a weight loss or weight maintenance plan becomes easier to manage.

Yeast Infections

Yeast Infections

A fungus called candida causes yeast infections. The infections can occur anywhere on the body, but most people seeking help for a yeast infection are concerned with vaginal infections. Candida multiplies and spreads in moist, warm, and dark areas. Candida also causes thrush, an oral fungal infection, and yeast infections that can occur under the breasts or in any part of the body with skin folds. Dr. Armitstead is very knowledgable in identifying and eliminating yeast infections naturally.

Dr. Armistead's approach to improving your health is to considers the whole person, including their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental aspects of well-being. She focuses on finding the root causes of illness rather than just the symptoms, and to promote wellness and prevention rather than just disease management.

ontact Dr. Alicia Armitstead of Healing Arts NYC to Learn More About Overcoming Health Challenges with Natural Remedies

Contact Dr. Alicia Armitstead of Healing Arts NYC to Learn More About Overcoming Health Challenges with Natural Remedies

I hope I've been able to show how effective restoring health can be with muscle testing and natural remedies. Everyone is different, and almost every solution is unique, but improved health can is frequently a moving target. As as you body responds, the solution adjusts as your body restores its natural balance.

Please contact us today!

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