Healing Arts NYC - Manhattan's Premier Integrative Health and Wellness Center - Dr. Alicia Armitstead
(866) 585-5999
Chronic inflammatory diseases have been recognized as the most significant cause of death in the world today.
-Dr. Alicia Armitstead
Today, we know smoking is bad for you, but it wasn't until the 1960s that the evidence started rolling out, and it was in 1969 when cigarette packages were labeled with the general surgeon warning. Transfats were first used as a food preservative in 1911. They contributed to 50,000 premature heart disease deaths yearly until they were banned in 2004. Today I would like to talk with you about a disease considered to be the most significant cause of death in the world today.
Cancer? No. Heart Attack? No. It's inflammation.
Inflammation is something you may have heard of but probably don't think or know much about. I believe that one day we will speak of inflammation the way we talk about smoking and Transfats today, but I do not want my patients to wait that long to take action. So today, I hope to create awareness of this disease and offer you the best line of protection from it: Prevention.
Chronic inflammatory diseases have been recognized as the most significant cause of death in the world today, with more than 50% of all deaths being attributable to inflammation-related diseases such as ischemic heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and autoimmune and neurodegenerative conditions."*
According to a Harvard Medical School report, "Chronic inflammation plays a central role in some of the most challenging diseases of our time."
The evidence is overwhelming, but most people are not aware of just how life threatening inflammation can be.
If you've ever twisted your knee, cut your finger, or been stung by an insect, you have firsthand experience with inflammation. Inflammation is an essential survival mechanism that helps the body fight off hostile microbes and repair damaged tissue. Yet there is another side of inflammation that can be harmful rather than helpful to human health. There's evidence that inflammation, promoted partly by factors such as obesity, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle, contributes to various diseases.
Inflammation can be divided into three types based on the time of the process that responds to the injurious cause; acute, which occurs immediately after injury and lasts for a few days; chronic inflammation, which may last for months or even years when acute inflammation doesn't heal, and subacute which is a transformational period from acute to chronic which lasts from two to six weeks.
Unchecked, the immune system prompts white blood cells to attack nearby healthy tissues and organs, setting up a chronic inflammatory process that plays a central role in some of the most challenging diseases of our time, including
rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes,
asthma, and even Alzheimer's.
Inflammation symptoms differ depending on whether the inflammatory reaction is acute or chronic. Five fundamental signs of inflammation include heat, redness, swelling, pain, and loss of function.
Lifestyle choices, diet, and even family history play a role in the diseases and conditions brought about by chronic inflammation. Other causes can be gut health, stress, and pollution exposure. There is recent strong evidence that continuous stress and diverse inflammation in the brain could be a significant and direct cause of dementia and memory impairment due to the constant accumulation of inflammatory cytokines in the brain.
Diet plays one of the most critical roles in our health. Every time we put food in our mouth, we eat something that is either inflammatory or healing. Muscle testing is a great way to figure out exactly what foods would cause inflammation in your body. This noninvasive test provides biofeedback from your body and creates a list of foods you can and cannot eat for better health. In addition, guided nutritional supplementation from whole foods provides daily dietary and nutritional support for a healthy lifestyle.
I recommend you get muscle tested once a year as a holistic physical to test for inflammation and take a preventative health stance as you do on your regular medical physicals. It's that important!
In general, though, I will tell you the more whole foods closer to Mother Nature we eat, the less inflammation we will have. On the other hand, consuming foods in most markets today creates inflammation due to additives, sugars, bad saturated fats, and all other hard-to-pronounce names used as stabilizers.
A lifestyle rich in fresh fruits and vegetables freshly picked from local organic farms, and eaten in season, is the best approach for preventing inflammation. Additionally, superfoods such as Spirulina, and other anti-inflammatory foods high in antioxidants, will help reduce damage caused by inflammation. Exercise, sunshine, positive thinking, and other healthy practices like meditation will also help more than we can imagine.
I strongly believe in addressing inflammation on the onset of any symptom and also the prevention of it so I designed my own supplement called Inflammation Relief. It contains Curcumin, Peperine (an alkaloid found in Black Pepper), Fenugreek, Gotu Kola, Quercitin, Boswellia, Bromelain, and Magnesium lactate.
Any disease credited with 50% of all deaths is worthy of your attention. I highly recommend you come in at least once a year for a holistic physical s well as every occasion you feel inflamed. I hope you'll join me in creating awareness of inflammation and commit to a long-term prevention plan. I created one supplement that has all the natural remedies a supplement can have to help you minimize inflammation. It's not a cure, but it will give you an edge and contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Please contact the office to start taking Inflammation Relief.
Know that whatever health ailment you have, reducing inflammation is part of the healing journey, and we can help! With proper nutrition, the body can truly heal and prevent severe and chronic illness.
As always, don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, need help getting started with your new lifestyle to prevent inflammation, or want to schedule your annual muscle testing appointment.
Yours, in good health.
Dr. Alicia Armitstead
Healing Arts NYC
Additional References
*Chronic Inflammation in the Etiology of Disease Across the Life Span – Nature.com
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315 Madison Ave Suite 2101 New York, NY 10017
25 Sylvan Rd. S. Suite B. Westport, CT 06825
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